Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Im begining to wonder that we are indeed thankless

Mumbai terror blasts. The news channels have been raving abt this and blaming everyone from Pak to Politicians to People. In all this we forgot to say thank you to those who came forward and saved hundreds of lives. Be it those commandos who faced the enemy or the doctors who worked 3 days without sleep. All that we like to do is point fingers and blame. Can we get any less thankless? The media was all hyper when pak media blames them but why are they not showing images of doctors saving lives or the wounded commandos taken care of? And just say one word, "THANK YOU" for saving so many lives, for being brave and facing the enemy and bringing it to an end.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

yet another ad with a missed attention to detail

Recently I saw Amir khan in an ad where he is washing utensils for his wife. I am not very sure but I vaguely recollect he had split up. Anyway, the actual annoying thing was that he had the tap running as he was just scrubbing the plate and talking into the camera, and the water was flowing in full force!! Why waste so much water!!! :(

Friday, October 24, 2008

Going global

Sometimes I wonder what makes Indians so desperate that we are ready to forgo our traditions just to make money. Especially so with the so called Global companies coming into the arena.

Deepavali/Diwali is a time of year where traditionally the company gives gifts to employees - at the very least a box of sweets. If a company sends a mail greeting people and saying gifts will reach in 30 days, perhaps the management got it's ideas really wrong, considering diwali and it's dates were known at least a year ago! I wonder how it would be to hear such a thing around Christmas time. Motivation... oh well ya a month later buddy :-)

I have even heard of companies where people are given holidays in line with US. In fact to such an extent that they get holidays for US independence day but not Indian. Did someone say globalization? Perhaps it's synonymous with westernization...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The iron ladies

I am pleasently surprised at the fact that the media houses are airing movies focused on LGBT life and for a change the movies don't focus on the only thing that everyone seems to want to link LGBT with - AIDS.

The first one I can recollect is Birdcage aired on star movies recently. It's about how this couple wants to lead a normal life involving getting the son married to a conservative politician and the like. This is a typical US movie. More here.

Today morning WM channel aired The Iron ladies. A thai movie shot in 2000 about this group of G and T group who play volley ball against straight men and win, that too at national level. It was quite nice to see LGBT being portrayed as sportsmen and better still that the team consisted of all kind of queer people, the quite and masculine to the loud and queeny types. More here.

Hope that the 377 case is fought fair and won. It's not just the health issues that is of concern here (I am sure AIDS does not discriminate homos and heteros) but more importantly the suppression of a minority's right to lead a normal life.

judgement call

Riding to office on the bike. Stranger "uncle" on the road looking for a hike.

a) Humanity and the crap, lets give him a ride. It's just another person looking for help
b) He has a helmet, bike might have broken down. He sure can afford a bus ticket as he looks quite well off. Bus stand 2 steps from where he is. Don't stop, might be a risky proposition.

Too many loose ends. Better to keep going.

Justified further by:
I live in Bangalore. Quite a few bomb blasts of late. Festival day. Better off without the risk.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

vandalism and ads

Just when I thought of posting about an ad I saw recently on tv, I read this post. It verbalizes my thoughts most aptly.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

vegetarianism and food crisis

I was watching TV the other day when the host was teasing the guest that according to latest news, about 10kg of grain goes into obtaining 1Kg of flesh. The guest kidded if he should go vegetarian.

Why not! As humans we really have acheived tremendrous acheivements. In all this advancements, we have lost some basic human nature, "we are social beings." There are hundreds of people without food but those lucky ones who can food on time done even seem to be bothered. I see the following places where we can make an effort and improve situation for our own species.

1) The world at large is non-veg mostly. There are hundreds of veg dishes. Why not switch to it at least once a week?

2) At homes and hotels, cook food that is sufficient enough to feed the amount of people who ordered it. Most places serve more than enough quantity, this is specially true of rice and noodles. Sometimes we pack the left overs but most of the times we just throw it. It's more profitable to give less isn't it?

3) Lots of food gets wasted at many office because they are just not edible. It's cooked that bad. Perhaps its time hoteliers take up this issue of massive wastage and cook edible food? This is particularly true where food is catered.

The world is getting better and these are a few things I follow to make it a little better.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Refreshing droplets
Cleansed air
Fresh thoughts
Elevated mood
Wet Greenery
Cool Breeze
- Life, Simple and Flying high

Dark clouds
Roaring thunder
Filthy streets
Overflowing drains
Depressed soul
- Man, Modern and Depressed

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bangalore and Heritage

It got me thinking, as I was reading the various posts about preserving Bangalore's heritage landmarks and how we are loosing a lot of the old buildings to the new mall and plaza culture. I can't but notice that people start harping about things only when the axe is to be brought down on it, be it trees or movie theaters of the begone era or the various charming buildings from the old Bangalore. Is just cribbing about the loss enough? Is it not more important that we do something before the crisis occurs and the buildings are forced to be torn down?

Let me take a particular example, Mayo Hall and Galaxy theater. While the former has got a new coat of paint and some renovation and is still earing huge revenues the latter is almost erased from people's memory and from the face of Earth. In today's economic scenario, these landmark buildings NEED to be renovated and made into an economically viable option. This city produces hundreds of top notch management and engineering graduates every year. Could they as citizens along with the owners of these landmark buildings not come up with ways to preserve these buildings and help them generate enough money to keep it standing for the years to come? Does the Government always have to do things? Do the citizens of this city not have any role to play at all except complain of the heritage lost or succumb to the greed?

Every day I pass by the Opera at Residency's and Brigade's junction. I can't help but conjure images in my mind of elegant shows and charming people at this lavish building and the spectators gazing in awe. I guess we will never see such an scene...

A surprise encounter

As usual I was scourging through the Citizen matters webpage when I came across an article about IIWC. This place has been my childhoood haunt and I have quite literally grown up reading and studying in this library. With my mum being the librarian there, this is quite expected I guess. Herez the link to the article: IIWC.

Trees - advertisement

Trees or No trees?

While we all love to claim that having a tree at home and it's advantages, it is often a pain to have random people pelting stones at the Mangoes/Gauvas et al. It becomes even more difficult when one intends to extend the house and axing the trees is such a difficult decision, one goes through a huge emotional trauma to see their favorite tree and child hood companion chopped down.

Looking for people who can design houses incorporating existing trees instead of axing them, any help welcome...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Congested roads and congested airwaves

Are we justified in allocating a big piece of spectrum to the police force? Today as I was riding to office I passed through 3 signals with cops manning all junctions and fully equipped with wireless handsets and the works. An ambulance gets stuck in the first junction and with some difficulty it manages to get through. I would have expected the police man to call ahead and keep the traffic moving. No sir, I was mistaken, the guy just stood there least bit bothered. The same repeated at the next 2 junctions and the ambulance was stuck at the signal multiple times! It's appalling to know that our taxes are going into buying such expensive equipment and precious spectrum wasted, for this? To make matters worse, key roads in the city center are in a terrible state for years! Agreed they can't keep up all the roads but the city center needs to be maintained! Roads here cant be left unusable! More than half the road is full of potholes! Repairing these would make traffic so much more smoother and reduce the need for one ways! When are we going to wake up and realise the world is going by and we are going to be left behind if continue to be lazy and carefree! Can people imagine how painful it would be for a injured person to be taken on these horrible roads! Disgusting!

Monday, March 24, 2008

flowering trees in Bangalore

It's that time of the year when Bangalore plays Holi and turns colorful, the greenery gives way for a riot of colorful flowers as a number of trees start blooming. Karthik has put up a list of the commonly seen flowering trees around http://www.wildwanderer.com/journal/flowering-trees/

So next time you take a stroll don't forget to look up at the trees! :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Everytime I read the paper, I come across this "wish to be unidentified" sources. I can imagine only 2 things then, gossipy people who just can't keep confidential stuff to themselves or selfish people who are ready to sell some small tidbit to a newpaper for some money. Unfortunately I dont like either breed of people. Anyone has a different opinion?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The world gets clearer

and I can see the murkiness better...
Finally after months of procrastination I went and got myself a pair of spectacles. It is simply startling, the difference in clarity with the glasses on. Everything is crip and sharp and ohhh I am lost for words :-)
Every once a while I am so tempted to look out of the range of glasses, see the hazy picture in front of me and then look at the clear pic through these and smile at the change in perspective of the vision before me! :-)
Not to forget I am more in love with my intellectual looking self.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

BIAL - thoughts

I sometimes wonder if we Indians are just pure lazy and careless or we really dont want to be progressive. Bangalore, host to IIMB, on of the top B-Schools in India, host to huge companies like Infosys and Wipro with the most talented planners and visionaries, is facing a tremendous lack of planning. The international airport is an example staring in our face of how careless and carefree we are. Come April and we will all be made fools and idiots. The government's planners are going to be mocking at us for our disinterest our own welfare. We see time and again that the projects are a result of a capacity crunch, be it metro, airport or flyovers and roads. Why is it that we get educated people up there if they can't foresee growth and make an initiative to plan the growth? This is so irritating! I wish the human kind perishes. We are not worth of our intelligence to plan, languages to communicate and science for good health. We are very greed and selfish to the point of disaster. As a friend of mine said, I wish kalki takes form soon!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The OFCs race begin, hope we see light soon!

The recent disruption in the internet services across Asia brought to focus the lack of infrastructure to avert disasters such as what occurred. The Atlantic is teaming OFCs connecting Europe to US with a huge amount of capacity going waste. The boom period plans of cabling companies got busted and they incurred huge losses. The positive side of the story is that the infrastructure exists to come up with applications taking advantage of the surplus availability. The developing countries are trying to catch up now since the hunger for bandwidth has shot up. Communication companies themselves are driving the installation and expansion.

There is a fear that this boom might come to an abrupt fall and affect the companies investing in this venture. This might indeed become true. However, I feel that this infrastructure might in the long run help innovation. Today people still tune applications to bandwidth constraints, reducing the rich features that could perhaps be provided. It's in the good will of innovating that we need to overcome the bandwidth hurdle. It may not kick off the first day or first year, but there will be time of boom soon and we should be prepared to ride the tide.

I knew it would happen!

We hear this so very often in out lives. Every time we encounter failure there are ample number of people who come up and live up to the expectation of saying "I knew it would fail!". An interesting way to look at this failure comment is to assume that the idea failed even before the release. To get people to say why they thought it failed. It might lead to exposure of some serious flaws and give ample time to fix it in a rational, well thought of manner. A better bet at success or an increase in all round pessimism? I would say the former. After all, we hire testers and the best one better be pessimistic!

I knew it would happen!

We hear this so very often in out lives. Every time we encounter failure there are ample number of people who come up and live up to the expectation of saying "I knew it would fail!". An interesting way to look at this failure comment is to assume that the idea failed even before the release. To get people to say why they thought it failed. It might lead to exposure of some serious flaws and give ample time to fix it in a rational, well thought of manner. A better bet at success or an increase in all round pessimism? I would say the former. After all, we hire testers and the best one better be pessimistic!

Asia, agricultural economies and starvation

The developing economies are facing the wrath of development perhaps. These economies are traditionally agricultural but rising demands in the city attract the rural populace to come in search of opportunies. The harsh reality hits home only later when they realise that food in the cities in not as easy to come by as in the rural areas.

The scarcity of food is also party due to the forgotten and abondened Green Revolution. In the crazy frenzy to become developed and educated, the governments seem to forget that food is a nessacity. To add to the voes are the recent environmental issues of drought and floods. I feel it is nessary for the asian nations atleast to define what they want to identify as development and work towards their definition. It's time we all question what does "Developed India
mean. Is it overflowing overcrowded cities, or villages and cities that provide ample opportunity to make either as career options and vehicles of growth.

Quality electronics, cars, cheap booze and communication giants

The consumer durables industry seems the have made higher profits this year despite a decrease in it's sales. The reason is quited to be high end product sales which come with high profit margins. Trigger for this, higher income groups are on the rise and consumer durables are seen as a lifestyle products. People are simple ready to buy higher end products even if it means they are paying substantially more than what it is worth. A good branding and marketing statergy.

Car maker Chystler wants to cut down on the number of cars models it is producing. It wants to eliminate cars in it's portfolio that are very similar. This is a good move for providing better quality products without increasing the burden of maintaining a lot of similar cars. I think Bajaj did a good job here. Pulsar was the only model to maintain while many versions were released tailored to meet the increasing demands. A good strategy to increase the return on investments. The unfortunate part of this is that the resale value of the bike is very low. However, it's a great bike and people are not really looking at resale when they by it. Better quality is the keyword.

The liquor giant United spirits wants to restart the production of cheaper liquor. Karnataka government's ban on local liquor or toddy has increased the demand for cheap liquor and USL feels this is a good time to reintroduce it's earlier products. The other factor is the availability of molasses at cheaper prices. Instead of reintroduction, can the company club the above 2 strategies? Make the not so selling liquor brands cheaper and sell it still maintaining the "brand image" of a higher quality liquor? Also, the other end, hype the good selling ones a bit more and sell them at a better premium? The lesser stuff to maintain, the better needs to be understood.

Alcatel Lucent has suffered huge losses the past year. This is despite a merger of the 2 giants and a product portfolio reduction. It would perhaps be good to see the maintenance costs of it's various versions and overlapping products. Instead of making 5 networks elements each with 3 versions, may be a consolidated 2 network element providing the above functionality with options to customise it, and a single version to maintain, might, just might, reduce the tremendous opex these communication giants suffer. The companies have started facing losses due to competition and tight profit margins. Mergers help eliminate competitors (if you cant fight the enemy, befriend him!) but the profit margins are still an issue. Do the operations want to still take up the the maintenance costs when the customer is not willing to pay you for it? It just might be that they are drowning in their own greed to have all products in their portfolio?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

India for duty free imports from Africa

It is unofficially announced that India would be allowing duty free imports from Africa. The current benefits of this decision are being questioned considering that the total imports from Africa constitute less than 7% of India's imports. The imports themselves are of commodities such as mineral oils which are currently taxed at around 2%. This is seen as a diplomatic move to help the Indian oil companies' interest to acquire equity stakes in oil blocks in Africa. Concern is expressed that India needs to help the African education and manufacturing industry by sharing knowledge and imparting skill sets to the African nations.

The downsides expressed in this article seem to neglect the fact that though the current imports are low, it might boost up in future. This move at this point in time would help in keeping the economic impacts low in future as this is already been factored in from a very early stage. It would also provide India a leverage to reach into the potential filled African continent, which is being looked at by many businesses as the place to expand operations in. I feel this is a good move and not just eyewash since for a nation of our size, writing off import taxes, even a small amount, would mean a significant burden on the nation's income sources. India being also able to leverage this policy to benefit its companies does not qualify a duty free trade treaty as a symbolic move. It is a positive move from the government and it must be welcomed. A greater hurdle might be in Indians' acceptance of a greater number of Africans' presence. After all we are a nation which is a market place for "fair and lovely" and "fair and handsome".

Dry weather: wheat imports seen increasing and France is keen on exporting!

This article, I have to admit, caught my attention. I was perhaps blissfully unaware that our country had to IMPORT wheat! Perhaps, I had assumed that a large nation with a predominantly agricultural economy had no need to import food grains.

India started importing wheat 2 years back. This was due to the population increase and also the increased standard of living creating a need for more wheat based products. The import was done in order to safeguard cultivation of other food grains like lentils and oil seeds. India may import more wheat this year than last year. Almost 68% more wheat is to be imported. The reason for this is the dry weather. The details in the article is quite confusing. It talks about how the wheat harvest this season might be lower due to dry weather and that Indian government might import more to keep sufficient emergency reserves. The subsequent part mentions that since the global price has been sky rocketing, the government might buy from the farmers instead paying them a premium. This would help get the reserves filled but how would it suffice the current demand for wheat? The article lacks clarity on this fact.

To elevate the confusion, the following article "France gears up for longterm supplies of wheat to India" states the following points. It mentions that India imported wheat last year from France. France seems to be producing abundant wheat, enough for it to export to both Europe and outside of Europe and is set to become a long term exporter to India. However, this year India may not import any wheat at all due to a bumper crop.

The 2 articles seem to give contradictory facts. This makes the import or no import a confusion.

However, a small point I noticed is the mention of the fact that "lifestyle changes are increasing the need for wheat based products". It is quite true. The unfortunate part is that wheat crops need a lot of water. Ragi, is amongst the few food crops that is very convenient to grow. It's health benefits are also an additional plus point. Surprisingly, very few people know of this food grain! It is time to introduce and educate people of this wonderful food grain.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Biofuel may hinder anti global-warming efforts

In a new study that was published in Science, the process of biofuel production is causing the release of CO2 gases. These gases are emitted when the natural habitat is cleared for growing these biofuel crops. The quantity released due to this cut down of the natural habitat is so huge that we need to use biofuel for considerable time, sometimes almost 400 years, to remove this carbon released. It is essential that research considers all the aspects before publishing a onesided research focusing on the advantage of biofuel. It is equally important that the governments consider the entire chain of production and it's effects before pushing for mandatory usage of biofuels.

The other huge disadvantage of biofuel currently is the source. Biofuels are formed from food crops like corn and sugarcane. This puts enormous pressure on the commodity prices of these crops as can be seen from the price rise of corn last year. In a situation where hunger is ravaging a huge population of earth, is it fair that we use food crops to run vehicles? I feel better research is required to convert waste into fuel than food into fuel.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

new WHO report to offer a road map to fight tobacco use

The WHO published a report on the tobacco usage around the world. The latest statistics shows that the US and Canada's consumption has reduced. The developing countries with the increasing earning capacity of the youth and women are a lucrative market. The spokes persons from the top market brands seem to say that they are targeting the already smoking adult population with increased spending power to shift from local brands to the international brands. Of the total cigarettes consumed across countries, China outnumbered all other countries while India was at the 8th place. With this report published, it would be very important to see the counter measures taken by the governments of the nations that have a rising consumption levels. The Indian organisation for curbing tobacco usage is pushing for ban of smoking at any work place, including restaurants and pubs. It intends to prevent workers suffering from passive smoking due to the working environment. While it is a good move in my personal opinion, I seriously wonder if it will come true. Imagine a pub with a no-smoking banner! I think a good advertising campaign against smoking being cool or stylish would do much good and prevent more people taking to smoking.

A more pressing and important matter from my perspective is food contamination from pesticides and insecticides; portable water pollution and air pollution. We need more research and statistics in this matter. It's vital we take steps to curb this in order to have a future generation. This also concerns every human being than just a subset and therefore I feel it's all the more important to address these issues.

India's smallest firms hunger for credit

The argument of the article here is that the small and medium enterprises are not getting the required credit for them to scale up and increase their operations. The writer says that the government banks have reluctance to provide credit to small and medium enterprises as they find them too risky. This leads to other financial companies charging interest rates of almost 20%. The loan value is also reduced to about 30% of the collateral value. This, the writes feels, causes the SMEs to be slow in progressing and being a bottleneck to larger corporations which use them as suppliers. The government's move to cut interest rates by 25 basis points does not provide any relief to these sectors that have interest rates around 20%. The argument however lacks 1 point. why does the government banks feel this to be risky if the collateral is provided. How is the credit return and the statistics on the defaulters. Perhaps a high number of defaulter could be the reason for the risky feeling.

collateral - security given for a loan, additional, of a side line (cousin is a collateral relative)
discerning - perceive by vision, (perceive a ship in the horizon), judge or discriminate or distinguish (discerning the good from the bad)

ArcelorMittal hopes Brazil model will give India plans a boost

The article discusses AccelorMittal's plans to implement best practices and learnings in the setting up of 2 production units in India. It elaborates the current infrastructure of it's flagship production unit in Brazil and the best practices that it has implemented there. It discusses the costs and the returns from it's unit in Brazil. The focus is on usage of technology to lower the production cost and the time while improving efficiency and reducing environmental effects. The pro idea concepts here are being self sustained. Generation of own power from industrial byproducts and selling the excess power, mining of coal for the coal requirements and using of technology to reduce labor and shorten production time.

My opinions:
I think this is a step forward to progress. Companies are caught in the net to deliver and perform and the major hindrance to it is labor and technology. Also, being self sufficient in raw materials helps in making a strong foundation. In this case, the company is safe from power cost fluctuations and is also making a small profit from it's investments. The downside is that the job opportunities reduce and more skilled labor is required. This can be seen as a indicator for the government to improvise on the education, in promoting the idea of having 2 children well educated than to have 10 uneducated and slogging and affecting the country's growth.

grapple - to hold fast or seize. To engage in a close hand fight. To try to overcome or deal with.
flagship - the main vessel, the best or biggest liner by an operator, the most important of a group
proposition - plan proposed for acceptance. Subject for discussion
collateral - security given for a loan, of a side line, additional
envisage - visualise (en- in, visage - face)

Study undercuts diabetes theory

The crux of the article is that the entrenched hypothesis of close to normal blood sugar level preventing heart diseases might be undercut by the recently conducted study. It describes the dogma in the field of diabetes. It publishes the findings of a new study that might prove that such vigilance over blood sugar levels might increase the risk of heart disease. The strong point in favor of the new idea is the findings of the study. however, the argument has a weak side to it. There is a possibility that there was some adverse effect due to the sudden drop of blood sugar. It is also possible that the drugs might have had other effects than just effect on the treated ailment.

Undercut - cut away a part to leave things hanging, weaken or destroy the impact or effectiveness. Reduce competition by selling cheaper than the competitor.
Dogma - a settled or established opinion or belief. religious code that is believed to be true without proof
Quandary - a state of perplexity or uncertainty
Entrench - to create a trench. to fix securely or firmly.

3 finalists for sebi chairmanship

The current chairman of the Indian capital market regulator, SEBI - Damodaran - is set to retire. There are 3 people who seem to be finalised to take his position. The article gives an insight into the background of these 3 finalists. It also mentions that there is a possibility that a last minute candidate might emerge. The NSDL chairman, Bhave was not considered due to ongoing saga between NSDL and SEBI.

Incumbent - person holding the office currently, imposing or obligatory.
Saga - long detailed story.
Stint - restrict or limit. Duration or period doing something. (stutzen -restrict or curtail)

A stumble, not a fall

The primary idea of the article is that the Indian economy is slowing down but is resilient to come back to recover faster. The title does not give an idea about the focus point of the article. I think, "Indian economy stumbles, doesn't fall" is more apt. The writer gives example of how the growth is reduced to 8.7% this year, the lowest in 3 years. If the US goes into recession, we could see the growth fall further to 8% this year. Despite consumer spending having become slower, the investments are still going strong. This would keep the economy growing. India being an emerging market with strong fundamentals, it would be a quicker re-bounce.

Resilience - property to bounce back from a distorted or stretched state. ability to recover from misfortune or illness. (re- back, salire - jump)
Persists - continue in the same state, endure or last tenaciously, insistent in a statement, question or answer. (per- thoroughly, sistere-stand still)
Tenaciously - holding steady fast, clinging, adhesive, or together.
Recession - act of withdrawing, returning to former state. Slowdown in economic growth.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

wired wireless!

I finally managed to set up the adsl modem at home to give me a nice secure wireless connection to surf the net. It's so cool, no more attached to the wires and table business. I can happily sit in my garden and blog, surf and have a good time. :-)

Thanks to wiki pages, it made a lot of things so so convenient! No calls to the BSNL office and the endless wait and all that! I am glad we have stepped into the information sharing era. It is easy to find and retrieve it aswell! Way to go people!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday - a pleasent memory

The day started on a nice note. Got up not too late, not too early. I felt the day would be good, called a couple of friends to just make conversation and to just revive the connection. I feel that the intensity and feelings diluted oflate. I hope to improve upon it, wish me luck! :-)
Chanced upon the fact that today was Tyagaraja Aradhana and a telgu channel was giving the live coverage of the event. Relished the lovely songs sung in chorus. The sad part was that the channel cut off the song midway with no explanation, and turned to broadcasting some ads since it was 10AM and time to end the show! Thankfully a different tamil channel was still broadcasting it till the end (which was just another 5 minutes more!)
The afternoon went in getting intensely excited over the australian tennis men's finals amd thanks to a close pal to have made the match watching an amazing time.
Evening a little pizza and home food. That wraps the Sunday for me.
What gave me happiness was the fact that it was a nice chilled day and not the hassel of malls and traffic and all the mess! It was indeed a weekend to just relax and rejuvinate! Tingling with the nostalgia of the era thats gone by, Bonne nuit, ladies n gentlemen.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


This happens to be the 100th post on this blog! Congrats to me!!
Hip Hip Hurray!!

Time for some drinks ladies n gentlemen. Cheers, bring on the beers!!

Well for all those who love wiki like me, herez a little something to read about:

Tare Zamin Par

I loved the movie. I saw OSO, Sawariya, Chak De, Ajja Nachale, Jab We met and Tare Zamin Par; and TZP takes the crown.

A quick personal review sorted on my liking of the movies:

TZP - Amir has as always chosen a move which has character in it. Lovely movie, highlights a facet of the society that was never pondered upon, very touching and a must watch.

Ajja nachale - I love musicals and a musical without a hero! Well few with the charisma of Madhuri can pull it off. Beautiful songs and a must watch if you want to see Elegance and Beauty.

Jab we met - A cute movie, the typical romantic movie types with the villan and hero and all the drama. It's the usual stuff wrapped in an unusual and pleasing package.

Chak De - Highlights the typical Indian's laziness and self centered nature and indiscipline. How it's overcome by one man's efforts and acheivement etc etc. Ok movie for a watch but seriously makes we want to laugh when I come see the politics and hypocrisy at our offices and educational system and development projects.

Sawariya - Has a cute actor, nice set (which unfortunately never changes all along!) and a strip tease. Watch it once just for fun.

OSO - First half is a spoof of bollywood of 70s and the second half a spoof of a bollywood horror movie. Seriously, I don't like spoofs and this one just refuses to go down my throat. Makes me choke! Glad I didn't see it in the theater paying exorbitant prices!

Welcoming '08

Im really looking forward to this year. I want to define myself in this year. A lot of things are on the plate. Hope to achieve most of the significant ones atleast. A peep at the desires of the year:

Develop fluency in French
Improve my harping skills on the violin
Define my space at home and see it blossom into a reflection of my mind
ORGANISE - because that is what I am most happy and content being, organised
Get more fit and learn cooking

All the best in making your dreams come true for '08. :-)

The year that was

2007 - I love this year. It has seen me achieve a lot, seen me realise a few of my dreams from childhood. Here is a snap shot of the year that was.

1) I turned 25! A milestone of sorts in the Human life cycle. I have tried to explore various facets and passions and now I feel I am ready to settle down and make my choice of what I want to be. Atleast a rough feeling till I am 30. :-)
2) Career, since my Engineering days it had been big talk of protocol stack development. I had always wanted to work on a stack and I got a huge opportunity and 07 saw me analyse, design, code and test an entire stack. Today the entire stack is my babe, my brain child. I am extremely proud of this, for me a break this early to do so much and complete it with more than the assured quality is indeed a matter of pride.
3) Travel, I managed to see a bit of the outside world finally! My wish to see 5 countries by 25 came true. I love the exposure and I feel the growth it has given me is quite significant.
4) I finally saw a Pride march. In the country that was the first to be liberal and broad minded enough to make drugs, prostitution and same sex marriage all legal. It's a wonderful experience to see people being so open minded to accept differences and minorities and to take part in celebrating the diversity.
5) I did get a taste of love. For the first time I grew to love someone, in the way I define love. It is ambrosia. It was made sweeter since the other person responded to my feelings too. I don't know if '08 will see it through but I am glad for the experience. Makes my life fuller and merrier just to know that I have been there and done it. I hope we make it.
6) I managed to step into THE market. I have always found myself gaping at trying to understand finances, Income Tax and the stock market. I am still dazed but I have made a small start and I hope to learn over the months and years ahead.
7) I made 3 paintings that to me have a significant value. Each took me about a month or two of good dedicated effort and skill. They adorn the walls at home.
8) I saw a couple of really good movies, some good plays and read a couple of great books. Not as much as I would have loved to but it a number that I am fine with, to accept in a year's time.

There are a lot of small things also that have made my experience of '07 a "good year" in my books.

Some Favs in no particular order:
Movie: TareZaminPar, Apocalypto, A kannada movie the name I cannot recollect!
Book: To kill a mocking bird
Holiday: Amsterdam
Infrastructure: Munich
Food: Vadapav, sarso-ka-sang
Memories: Big Banyan Tree ride with M, First take off in a (BIG) Jet Plane, Days when I was woken up by M's pranks, Amsti Pride with R, Framing my first painting helped by Mom and C, Evening ride in lonavala, Driving in Mumbai late night
Wacky Moment: Forgetting my stuff outside and going through immigration at Munich, running back to fetch it 15 minutes before takeoff and almost missing the flight!