Sunday, October 26, 2008

yet another ad with a missed attention to detail

Recently I saw Amir khan in an ad where he is washing utensils for his wife. I am not very sure but I vaguely recollect he had split up. Anyway, the actual annoying thing was that he had the tap running as he was just scrubbing the plate and talking into the camera, and the water was flowing in full force!! Why waste so much water!!! :(

Friday, October 24, 2008

Going global

Sometimes I wonder what makes Indians so desperate that we are ready to forgo our traditions just to make money. Especially so with the so called Global companies coming into the arena.

Deepavali/Diwali is a time of year where traditionally the company gives gifts to employees - at the very least a box of sweets. If a company sends a mail greeting people and saying gifts will reach in 30 days, perhaps the management got it's ideas really wrong, considering diwali and it's dates were known at least a year ago! I wonder how it would be to hear such a thing around Christmas time. Motivation... oh well ya a month later buddy :-)

I have even heard of companies where people are given holidays in line with US. In fact to such an extent that they get holidays for US independence day but not Indian. Did someone say globalization? Perhaps it's synonymous with westernization...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The iron ladies

I am pleasently surprised at the fact that the media houses are airing movies focused on LGBT life and for a change the movies don't focus on the only thing that everyone seems to want to link LGBT with - AIDS.

The first one I can recollect is Birdcage aired on star movies recently. It's about how this couple wants to lead a normal life involving getting the son married to a conservative politician and the like. This is a typical US movie. More here.

Today morning WM channel aired The Iron ladies. A thai movie shot in 2000 about this group of G and T group who play volley ball against straight men and win, that too at national level. It was quite nice to see LGBT being portrayed as sportsmen and better still that the team consisted of all kind of queer people, the quite and masculine to the loud and queeny types. More here.

Hope that the 377 case is fought fair and won. It's not just the health issues that is of concern here (I am sure AIDS does not discriminate homos and heteros) but more importantly the suppression of a minority's right to lead a normal life.

judgement call

Riding to office on the bike. Stranger "uncle" on the road looking for a hike.

a) Humanity and the crap, lets give him a ride. It's just another person looking for help
b) He has a helmet, bike might have broken down. He sure can afford a bus ticket as he looks quite well off. Bus stand 2 steps from where he is. Don't stop, might be a risky proposition.

Too many loose ends. Better to keep going.

Justified further by:
I live in Bangalore. Quite a few bomb blasts of late. Festival day. Better off without the risk.