Thursday, September 14, 2006

I hate crows!

My office parking is pretty sad. There is no sheltered parking, and what makes matters worse is this other small company in the same campus has spent a bit of money and got shelter for the employee's vehicles. It's just too alluring for us and I usually tend to park my bike there, I do care about my bke's color fading and even more about the fuel evapourating under direct sun. Yestarday the security guard turned me away from there with a very kind word to tell my company to provide shelter if I needed one.

And yes, you guessed it right, the stuppid crows had a field day practicing to shoot shit - on my bike. I almost had a heartattack seeing my bike last evening. Today as I was cleaning my bike, I was telling my mom, how I wished all the non-veg people started to eat crows instead of chicken and help us bikers...


Quintessential Critic (Sudhir Narayana) said...

Well crows r a menace largely becoz of our destruction of their nesting places. And, even otherwise, the crow population's dwindling and soon u can rejoice (even without people taking to crows)!

Sundar said...

well...they are not really dwindling. its sparrows which have disappeared. Anyway I just hope office comes up with a sheltered parking they have enough money to affored it.