Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A show on NDTV 24x7

I saw a program on NDTV 24x7. Topic of Discussion: Should Gays and Lesbians be given rights or should they continue to be treated like criminals? On the same not, article 377 – does it need correcting? The following are a few of the points that came up:

1. Its unnatural, so no rights

What nature are they talking about? Oral sex is natural? But heterosexuals are allowed to do it. How about sex for pleasure, no other animal except humans do it. Is that not un-natural? Using contraceptives – really don’t think there is nothing in nature that uses contraceptives. Is that not unnatural – how come church does not oppose that?
Human intelligence, that itself is unnatural, for that matter there are a lot of things that humans do which is unnatural! Ban all of that! Homosexuality is unnatural, my foot!

Ok we will narrow down to humans, are homosexuals not born naturally? Are we not humans? Therefore, we being gay, is that not natural? Why do they want to point at us and say we are unnatural? They don’t have any right to say that! Every being with all the characteristics they are born with are natural!

2. Its bad to the society

Is smocking not bad? People die of smoking! But that’s accepted! Is alcohol not bad? What about guy and girl holding hands being romantic, kissing is public, wearing skimpy clothes, is all of this ok? Then, even we should be! Is it not bad to cause trauma to millions of homosexual kids by this stereo type of the society?

Being open and accepting, now that’s what I would say is good. Not vulgarity but living like decent citizens, either gay or otherwise, that should be accepted. Do not accept vulgar and indecent straight lifestyle. Proper sex education to kids, not gay or straight but “PROPER” sex education, that’s what we need to give our kids!

3. Guy kisses girl is ok, mom kissing daughter is ok, father kissing son is ok, and all this is with love. But when a guy kisses guy then there can never be love! Hello…father and son are guys and still there is love between them. Love sees no gender! Love was never gender biased! Wake up and grow up!

4. Homosexuals spread diseases! Please, there are equal numbers of heteros if not more who are cause of diseases! Give us rights to be together and share our life with our lover. Then the sleeping around and all that will automatically stop! We will then have a choice to lead a life not just think of sex! Simple nice solution, but NO! Straight people are jealous and afraid that we may begin to lead a better life than you with your families with only greed and no love…Fine if your definition of marriage is not to be changed, call our relation lovage, +some thing to mean guy and guy or girl and girl living together with love. That way your technical definition remains intact. Of coarse you should not use lovage to mean straight relations as well.

We are not handicapped in anyway for you to help us become proper! You don’t go around correcting people with fantastic looks, great brains or melodious voice just because they are not like “normal” people. Its similar with us, we are just too good for you to “correct” us. Please don’t give such lame excuses.

People talk of accepting mistakes and correcting it. Prove it that you are capable of it! Accept that you made a mistake saying gays are criminals! Correct it! Give us basic HUMAN RIGHTS to live with and share our lives with the PERSON WE LOVE. As humans, we don’t ask you of that right, we demand it! It’s a very good example to set our children (your born children and our adopted children that you gave birth to but didn’t have the capacity to raise); and example of living with love and peace. If you are responsible parents as you claim to be then correct your mistake, not only for your gay child but for the millions of other gay children, give them a life to live without guilt but with peace of mind and love of a lover. It’s a matter of guts, something homophobic heterosexuals’ lack!

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