Wednesday, October 01, 2008

judgement call

Riding to office on the bike. Stranger "uncle" on the road looking for a hike.

a) Humanity and the crap, lets give him a ride. It's just another person looking for help
b) He has a helmet, bike might have broken down. He sure can afford a bus ticket as he looks quite well off. Bus stand 2 steps from where he is. Don't stop, might be a risky proposition.

Too many loose ends. Better to keep going.

Justified further by:
I live in Bangalore. Quite a few bomb blasts of late. Festival day. Better off without the risk.

1 comment:

kiran mova said...

had a similar experience few nights ago.

i was driving back home around mid night.. on an local highway. and i saw the most rare thing. an man "uncle" seeking a lift!

it is US and no one walks on the local highways.. i drove past him.. drove home.. killing the urge to turn around and help him..

the recent movies.. about how you give a lift and get stabbed or who knows what!